Summer Olympics Paris 2024. Results Cycling BMX Racing vrouwen
Final Results BMX Racing
Rank | NOC | Name | Time | Gap
1 | AUS | "SAKAKIBARA Saya" | 34.231 | ""
2 | NED | "VEENSTRA Manon" | 34.954 | "+0.723"
3 | SUI | "CLAESSENS Zoe" | 35.060 | "+0.829"
4 | NED | "SMULDERS Laura" | 35.745 | "+1.514"
5 | CAN | "SIMPSON Molly" | 35.833 | "+1.602"
6 | USA | "WILLOUGHBY Alise" | 36.171 | "+1.940"
7 | FRA | "ETIENNE Axelle" | 36.273 | "+2.042"
8 | GBR | "SHRIEVER Bethany" | 36.496 | "+2.265" |
| 1 Aug | 21:20 | | Seeding round |
| 1 Aug | 22:00 | | Quarter Final |
| 1 Aug | 23:15 | | Last Chance Race |
| 2 Aug | 21:15 | | Semi Finals |
| 2 Aug | 22:50 |  | Final |
Belgen actief bij de Olympische BMX Racing vrouwen
Olympic Champion 2024
BMX Racing
Summer Olympics
Paris 2024 Cycling
Olympic Champion
Tokyo 2020
Rating: 3.5/5 (80 stemmen)
Olympic Schedule Paris 2024
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